Youth Public History Institute

We will seek out erased histories, learn from abolitionists and revolutionaries who came before us, and visualize the future ahead of us.

“The institute gave me a more nuanced perspective on the history of a place I’ve been living in my whole life. With all the walking tours we went on, it was seemingly impossible to escape the colonialism and systems of oppression embedded into the very land we were walking on.” — River, YPHI participant

art by River Kim

The Youth Public History Institute (YPHI) was a program conceived by Mariame Kaba, founder of Project NIA and co-founder of Interrupting Criminalization, that took place in July 2023 in New York City. The institute invited 16-24-year olds interested in prisons, policing, surveillance, research, and social justice to collaborate on creating a walking tour. 

“YPHI seemed like an amazing opportunity to learn and build on my own abolition philosophy. I wanted to better ground myself in the history of this city and understand how systemic oppressions have shaped the communities I hope to keep serving here. I’ve learned more than I can even capture.” — Claire, YPHI participant

Throughout this site you will find documentation of the 2023 Youth Public History Institute, including the full curriculum, digital tours, and guiding resources. We hope that this site serves as a tool for exploration, education, and replication.

“Walking tours are excellent ways to engage various people in discussions and the discovery of local histories. Walking and talking together, we tell stories and can more honestly confront hard truths.” — Mariame Kaba


The YPHI curriculum is a comprehensive tool for creating a walking tour rooted in abolitionist values. The curriculum includes a detailed agenda, syllabus, facilitator notes, resource list, materials list, and group activities.  

Questions about YPHI? Please email [email protected].